Friday, June 29, 2012

My SP Comp Entry

            “Sadistica,” Skulduggery said. He turned to Valkyrie. “Didn’t she die, what, five minutes ago?”
            “Why is it that all the bad guys these days never stay dead? Is there a guard on the Other Side being lazy and not doing his job? I mean, I’m cool with being lazy, but not when I have to clean up the mess.”
            Sadistica cleared her throat.
            “Oh, yes, uh, you’re under arrest,” Skulduggery said. “Because you… What did you do again?”
            “I killed her—“ Sadistica pointed at Valkyrie with a long, thin finger— “and she became this raging thing with all sorts of necromancy. Of course, by the time the Elders had arrived, you had flown off with an innocent little Stephanie and I got the blame.”
            “Oh. Valkyrie, why don’t I remember this?” Skulduggery asked.
            “Repressed memory?” Valkyrie suggested.
            “Me kicking your butt, obviously.”
            “Of course. But all that matters was that I was completely unfathomed and didn’t cry.”
            “Actually, you screamed—a lot.”
            “Oh, what do you know? You’re just a mass of dark magic.”
            Valkyrie scoffed and crossed her arms.
            “Anyway. Yes, Sadistica, I have to arrest you.”
            “But I didn’t do anything wrong!” Sadisitica exclaimed.
            “You killed me,” Stephanie said. “That’s illegal. It’s a crime. We’re the people who take the criminals into custody.”
            “Girl, please. You asked for that whooping. Look, I just wanted to be friends, but nah, she had to go all high-and-mighty and insult my hair,” Sadisitica said, tears brimming in the corners of her eyes.
            Skulduggery turned to Valkyrie. “Now Valkyrie, did you insult this young lady’s hair?” Valkyrie remained silent, eyes suddenly fascinated by her boots. “Valkyrie,” Skulduggery said, voice serious, ”Apologize. Right now.”
            Valkyrie looked up at Sadisitica and smiled. “Your hair is ridiculous. How you can even walk around in public like that is beyond me.”
            “Valkyrie, why—“ Skulduggery soared backwards in a rush of silver. He smacked into the wall, pinned up by tiny bits of metal sticking through his body.
            Valkyrie instinctively struck out with her foot and caught Sadistica in her knee. Sadistica cried out, but only swayed. Her arms, coated in metal, forced her into a hunch. She somewhat reminded Valkyrie of a Hollow Man. Sadistica’s legs suddenly began to coat themselves in metal, clothes included. In the blink of an eye, she was a complete metal-man… except she was a woman.
            Sadistica growled from deep within her throat and lunged, taking Valkyrie to the floor. They rolled until Valkyrie got a full blow to the face from one of Sadisitica’s fists. Valkyrie’s sight blurred to the extent of non-existence and all she could hear was a ringing. Sadistica was still laying punch after punch on her body.
            Then the door burst open. Standing there, Cleavers at his elbows, was Ghastly.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Cloning Part 5

Gepard’s foot sunk into the pit of Pyro-Dawn Tyromant’s stomach, but it didn’t send him flying backwards, merely stumbling. He spun around, his hand held out with Savior, and he heard it connect with the boy behind him. No, the thing. These weren’t real people.
    When he turned around Pyro’s arm was on the grass beneath him, wires curling from it, pushing themselves into his elbow socket. They were reconnected and Pyro flexed his fingers before a massive, bright, orange mass erupted from his hand. Gepard leapt backwards, just being narrowly missed by it. But the rest of the cloned army had encircled him. He was their play toy, and it was playtime.
    He shouldn’t have come here. Not alone. But it would be an honourable way to die, defending his town.
    The army closed in, their powers flaring up. There was Kallista, flames dancing in her palms, and Aquila, in the shape of a metal fox six feet high, and Thalia, energy flowing out around her. But then there was the gap. The gap where Quinn should have been. Had she hung back because she had no physical power? No, she was a clone, she had amazing power at her fingertips.
    Then Gepard realized something must have happened to her—she must have malfunctioned. So the clones had weaknesses… or rather, a weakness.
    The sky darkened above Gepard, the clouds closed in on the sun, and it seemed the darkness had rained upon them… but it wasn’t. Because Gepard felt it flow through his veins, his very soul. That feeling, that sense of power! He rose his arms and the sky flashed as lightning soared down to him, rejuvenating his strength. He kicked out and Pyro was sent hurtling backwards. Gepard grinned and launched his sword into the sky, where it flipped and flipped, before getting struck by lightning and soaring back down into his hand.
    He spun round to meet Dragona Pine head on. Gepard swung his sword with its newfound power and it connected with Dragona’s chin where it slipped upwards through the metallic skin. The boy fell to the ground, but he was rewiring his head together already. But Gepard only needed to escape. That’s all he needed.
    It seemed some clones had backed off, but one stood in his way—Niall Montblanc.
    “Move it Niall.” The clone took a step forward, taking a gun from inside his blue blazer.
    “Niall, I’m warning you.” He cocked back the trigger.
    “Fine, have it your way.” Gepard sprinted forward and flipped in the air, his feet landing together in Niall’s face. Lightning raced down from his upper body, and shocked the clone. The gun fell to the ground, and Gepard leaped forward, and sprinted off to his army.
    But before he could even get a yard away a shot rang out and he fell to the ground, clutching at the dark-red stain forming on his chest.
The house was in pandemonium when everyone realized Gepard had left, locking them all in. Everyone had gathered in the sitting room to have a discussion.
    “Where’s he gone?” Skyril asked, her tousled blonde hair falling over her shoulders as she stood up. “Does anyone know? If you do then speak up! Why’s he locked us in here?” No one knew, but Skyril was the most worried person in the room, her undying secret love for him the only thing keeping her going.
    Everyone shrugged, suspiciously looking around. They knew someone would know. Maybe… the Sensitive? That’s where everyone’s eyes were drifting eventually.
    “Quinn,” Niall said, his Northern Irish accent fully showing through, “do you know where he is? This could be life or death. He could be fighting with whatever great evil-type thing we’re supposed to be preparing for. He could be dead right now. So just tell us.”
    “Okay,” the young girl said. “I had a vision that the clones, that’s what they are; clones. Well, I had a vision they’d be attacking the town. They would be entering from the park. Gepard asked me to try and see this, I swear I didn’t tell him freely. He said it was important.”
    “You stupid girl!” Niall suddenly shouted, jumping from his chair and lunging for the girl. She yelped in surprise, but she hadn’t any need as five pairs of hands were already on him, holding him back.
    “Niall! She didn’t know why he was asking! You’d have helped him too. He’s our leader, we’d do anything he says,” Aquila said, disappointment flitting across her face.
    Niall shook his head, as if throwing all angry thoughts out through his ears. “I’m sorry, Quinn,” he mumbled before sitting down, head in hands. “It’s just, I worry. About you all. I don’t know what I’d do if…” His voice faltered as he choked back tears. “You’re like family to me. I know it’s only been a few days, but I’ve connected with you all so much.”
    “Niall, we’re worried too. But we have to stay strong, if not for ourselves then for Gepard,” Skyril said, suddenly gaining confidence. “Now, let’s go save his cute ass.”
    Skyril marched from the room, pulling open the front door to reveal the world outside. She poked the threshold and a small shimmer of blue swam out from where she had touched it.
    “Alright, shouldn’t be too hard.” She cracked her knuckles. “Everyone with elemental powers, up front.” Instantly Dragona Pine stepped forward. “Except you,” Skyril said.
    “Why not?” he asked, anger started to shadow his face.
    “Because I said so.”
    Dragona’s face was as red as a tomato now, and he gathered a flame in his hand with a snap of his fingers. He was about to throw it when Skyril narrowed her eyes. Dragona stumbled backwards, the flame evaporated, as clawed at his face.
    “I can’t see!” he shrieked. “I can’t see! Someone, help! Please, someone help!” Dragona was on the floor now, holding his hands over his eyes.
     Aquila rushed down to him, before turning a deadly glare on Skyril. “Stop it. Now.”
    “It seems you weren’t here a moment ago when he was about to attack me,” Skyril said, her voice rising. Her eyes were a fierce purple. They had changed… she was using her powers.
    “I was here, you saw me standing right there.” Aquila inclined her head behind her. Then she rose and turned into a fox.
    But you can’t do this to people! her voice echoed in everyone’s mind. She leaped at Skyril when a flash of blue shot into the orange blur that was moving fast through the air. A yelp sprouted from it as it hit the wall, falling to the floor in a heap.
    Everyone turned to the person glowing blue hands. Nicolette Croga. She had a deadly look in her eye as she looked down upon Aquila. “I never liked you.”
     A few minutes later, all elementals, and Nicolette, were forming a line in front of he door.
    “One, two, three, go!” shouted Skyril from behind. They all summoned flames, and pushed at the air, and a small hole formed in the middle of the rapidly shimmering threshold. “Okay, Nic,” Skyril said.
    Nicolette pulled back her hands before thrusting them forward, blue energy forming around her hands and pulsing from them in a long wave. There was a deafening crash as the spell was broken and tiny blue glass-like pieces fell to the floor.
     Everyone poured out of the house, except for Aquila who was sitting groggily on the sitting room couch, and Dragona who had been tied up after he’d tried to hit Skyril.
     That’s when Gepard came rushing towards them, clothes torn, gashes on his face, blood seeping from a spot right next to his heart. He got to the house, wide-eyed and breathing heavily, before completely collapsing before his army.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Cloning Part 4

  As Venice watched the boy and girl approach, she noticed the daggers in their socks and the inside pockets of the girl's coat. They boys short, spiky hair was as black as soot, and the colours of his eyes were like lightning. Once, Venice swore she saw lightning shoot across them. The girl's dark-brown hair blew in the light breeze, giving off the idea that she was modelling. Venice laughed a little to herself as the girl lost her balance and nearly fell, the boy catching her, smiling with his eyes as she looked up at him, thankfully.
  They made the rest of the way to her, and the boy extended his arm, waiting for a handshake. Like she would ever shake hands with some boy.
  The boy looked down to his hand, then dropped it to his side.
  "I'm Gepard," the boy said.
  Oh, Venice thought, the boy from the phone.
  "And this, um.. my apprentice, Nicolette."
  Nicolette turned to the boy and her seemed to drive knives through his head. Gepard smiled and laughed, obviously something he hadn't done very often as his laugh was sore to his throat.
  "So, are you coming?"
  "Coming where?" Venice asked, her voice soft.
  "To our super secret base! We keep little children chained up in the basement and make the maid do everything! She even feeds us! Also, I'm lying. It;s just a house," Nicolette laughed.
  Venice stared at the girl, annoyed.
  "Does she have to come?"
  "Yes, yes she does," Gepard answered, a sight smile in his lips.
Kallista's dagger flashed past Gepard's head, and he fell to the floor. When he looked up, he laughed. "You're good," he told her. "Very, very good." 
  Kallista reached down and helped him up, beaming through the whole process. "Thanks!" Then she started dancing.
  "So, what's your story? Where'd you learn it?"
  "Nowhere. I just know it."
  Gepard nodded slightly before exiting the training room and shrugging on his overcoat. Time to go out--he had some business to take care of.
  Once he was outside he turned around and touched the door handle of the house with his palm. A light shimmer of blue washed over the old thing and Gepard knew they'd be safe. After all, he'd learned how to do it from the one and only China Sorrows.
   Feeling that the people inside the house were safe enough, Gepard turned and ran. Ran and ran. Ran and ran and ran and ran. And he kept running. On and on for what seemed like hours... until he came to a stop, somewhere just outside of town. It was time to fight. He knew what was coming--he knew what he'd be facing. Quinn had told him.
  He'd told her that he needed to know and she'd told him few words. They were enough though.
  "Your worst enemy is yourself."
  All that added up with what she'd said before just told him what he needed to know. It told him everything.
  Gepard readied his sword, leaving it hang down by his side. There they were--the army. But it was his army. They looked exactly the same, clothes and all. There was Kallista, her smile bubbly and warm. And Dragona, looking as if he could kill everyone. And by the looks of their skin alone they seemed indestructible. Yes. Their skin was different--it looked like... metal.
  Gepard ran on, his sword raised high above his head, until he met the army waiting to send him to his demise... 

Friday, November 11, 2011

My Gift to Pyro.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant stood under the shade of an old tree which, by the looks of it, seemed to have the capability to fall over and whither into ash at any moment. He wore a torn, worn-to-the-point-that-it's-not-even-a-describable-colour trench coat. It blew slightly in the wind, along with his light brown hair, which seemed to have a light flame running through it.
  Rain stormed from the skies as the clouds grew dark. Pyro looked upwards, wary. He clicked his index finger with his thumb and spark shot from the fingers into his palm, where it grew and became a flicker, then a ball of monstrous flames. He curled his fingers and the flame hovered upwards. He put up his palms to the floating fireball, to warm them. His sea-blue eyes lit up with delight as someone approached him, but then they became dark as the newcomer extinguished the fireball with a wave of their hand.
  "Pyro.." the newcomer whispered, their voice sad and deep. It was obviously a man.
  "What's wrong, Octa?" Pyro asked, sadness being thrown around in his eyes. Pyro's eyes always showed how he felt. Octa, who wore the same coat as Pyro, but more worn, rested a hand on his shoulder.
  "It's Raif... The Banishers got him."
  Pyro's whole body erupted in flames and his eyes turned pure red. Octa backed away fast as the flames grew bigger.
  "Pyro, calm." Octa seemed to order him.
  "No, brother, I won't calm!" Pyro shouted, the flames growing even bigger. Octa stepped forward, a fierce look in his emerald green eyes. Pyro's flames diminished, the slight flame in his hair staying, and he look at his brother.
  "I'm gonna finish them, once and for all. They got Raif, RAIF! I have a plan. It won't fail."
  Pyro turned and walked away, the rain splattering his coat as fire rose around him.

This is part 1 of, like, 4. It's all for Pyro because he's so awesome! Also, I wanted Octa's OC to be younger, so I made him younger. :P